Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shocking video shows barbarous assault on reporter who was peacefully going about his business making a nuisance of himself

naturally, within a short time this had become "Bishop Williamson shoved a reporter". But of course. If you pester an elderly man around a crowded airport, despite his clearly expressed wish not to talk to you, and then find yourself elbowed lightly so that you bang into a pole, what other explanation can there possibly be but that the wicked old traditionalist assaulted you?

I hope His Excellency finds a quiet haven where he can take a breather from these pernicious locusts, be it in England or the US or wherever he ends up. The liberals have used him as a convenient hammer with which to beat traditional Catholics, but in the way of these things, the hysteria hasn't lasted, despite the best efforts of the ADL and others. The fruits of the Pope's decision to lift the excommunications - reconciliation between the SSPX and the rest of the Church - will hopefully be with us much longer.

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