Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A doctor's words

"We are wading in death, blood and amputees. Many children. A pregnant woman. I have never experienced anything so terrible. Now we hear tanks. Pass it on, send it around, shout it out. Anything. Do something! Do more! We are living in a history book now, all of us."

This is a text message sent by Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor working in Gaza, to friends back home yesterday. Courtesy of the Irish Independent. He asks people to send the grim news around, so I am.

Oh by the way, today the Israelis were kind enough to stop bombarding Gaza for three hours in order to give Médecins Sans Frontières the chance to go in and tend some of the wounded. The media are citing this act of extraordinary generosity as a hopeful sign that Israel is open to peace talks. I'm not so sure. I think yesterday's post was over-optimistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wars are the most stupid thing in the world, but who said the world is smart?!