Thursday, January 15, 2009

De Rossa shows how he values the opinions of dissenters (including his own countrymen)

When I watch videos like this I can understand the vehemence of a woman I once canvassed on a doorstep who hissed "That de Rossa's a horrible man - horrible!" The really amazing thing is that, as Daniel Hannan points out on his blog, the Czech Foreign Minister is actually pro-Lisbon. Yes, Mr Topolánek had just made a moderate speech which was guardedly in favour of the Treaty, but respected the decision of those who disagree with it. But for the Eurocrats, anything less than wholehearted endorsement of the European project is treachery.

(This might be a good point at which to remind readers that the Christian Solidarity Party totally opposes a re-run of the Lisbon referendum. We believe that the people have spoken and that the plan should be shelved.)

At one point the former Communist informs the Czech minister that unless he "parks" his "conservative" views, he's "going to be in constant conflict with this parliament." Just in case you thought the EU had no specific agendas ...

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